Racism In Football Is A Real Thing

The Euro 2020 finale gave all football fans a greater view of racism in football. As we all know, a wide variety of football fans believed that racism in football does not prevail But this time Euro cup gave insight into the differences. 

The biggest eye-opener is the unfair penalty shoot loss by England. A thorough survey reveals that seventy percent of people believed in racism in professional football. As mentioned above, there’s a seventeen percent increase in that field making it 87 percent. 

This makes one from three people who think otherwise now. Following the final of the Euro Cup, racism is a serious problem in the football industry now. Jadon Sancho, Marcus Rashford, and Bukayo Saka are the center of racism comment one. Just after missing the penalty shoot losing to Italy. 

Calling such players racial slurs and centering whatever they do against the black community is an area of concern. Yet, with some kind of calculation, about two percent (2%) of people still think there is no concern about racism. 

The internet bullying and racism abuse grew up to such a level that rally and protest against this hate. The protesters paint 11, 17, and 25 in support of the teammate. Acknowledging their jersey numbers. 

After the poor players lost their penalty shots, much immediate negative response fled. One of the worst ones is, 

“We do not stand with the 3 Black Lions.”

The Darlington campaign only consists of a handful of protesters. The anti-abuse campaigners stood upfront a white wall. Where the three jersey numbers were painted. And they seemed very happy to protest against such racism and hate. 

Over the years, I have heard a lot of racial slurs and abusive comments passed to players who are not Caucasian. There’s also somewhat of misogyny in sports regarding women. But, they still prevail. 

Also, if you didn’t know, the place with clean jersey numbers now had the racist comment written on the same wall. It’s just that the anti-racist protesters wiped it out and supported the hard-working players. Besides the clean wall also resides the picture of the first-ever black football (professional) player in England. 

It’s kind of like an irony how you know if they had their luck with them that they. And scored the goal. Right now, the same racist fans would be cheering on the three of them. And also giving them some legendary slogans. Just what a little slip can start such a big war. 

Also, Stand Up To Racism organized a program as well, and the Mural protesters and Stand Up to Racism protesters were kind of united as they met in the way. 

Since this racism is a big thing and is out on the streets now, The National Police Chief’s Council is also working against this case. It causes bigger concern as this now includes vandalism as well. 

Moving on, The National Police Chief’s Council has arrested five abusers so far. And the investigation is still in process. The Police also say that this vandalism regarding Rashfor’s mural is not done in any way with racial nature in mind. 

“While the content of the vandalism is not believed to be of a racial nature, officers are keeping an open mind as to the motive behind defacing the artwork.” Said the GMP.