5 Amazing Preventions of Alzheimer’s.
Alzheimer’s is a disease when a person starts having problems with their memory, Let’s discuss its stages and amazing preventions of Alzheimer’s in this article.
What is Alzheimer’s?
Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects the neural parts of the brain which results in a decrease in the brain and brain cells die. It is a disease whose root cause is dementia. Dementia is known as a state of the brain which affects memory, thinking, and behavior negatively. It changes everything in the daily life of a person. Normally most people above 65 get a diagnosis of this disease.
Alzheimer’s has been incurable to date though some medications can help to slow the progression of the disease.
Symptoms of Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s disease has symptoms that increase and worsens every day. The symptoms are generally mild at first but slowly it makes one’s day-to-day life miserable. There are some symptoms but not all the affected patients will have the same kind of symptoms as any other. Normally the
- Loss of memory during daily activities like keys or sunglasses.
- Forget the name of known people and will struggle to say the right word while having a conversation.
- Having trouble doing everyday tasks like using microwaves.
- Creates difficulty in problem-solving.
- Decrease in judgment.
- Decrease in personal hygiene.
- Change in mood and personality
- Disconnection from friends and family.
- Difficulty in writing.
It doesn’t mean that a person having these symptoms surely is affected by the disease but a person showing these symptoms should consult a doctor and try to find out the cause. The symptoms change and increase according to the stage of the disease. People slowly after catching these diseases will have trouble walking, speaking, and even responding to the things happening around them.
The earliest stage
In the very beginning stage of Alzheimer’s, a person will have a change in their mood. The patient becomes very annoyed, anxious, and sad at the time. Many people lose interest in doing many things like talking to people or any activity like dance, singing, etc. This phase will be very hard for both the patient and those people living with them.
Later stages
Alzheimer’s is a never-ending problem that will continuously worsen the case of any patient. The problems like loss of memory power, language, and answering keep on getting way worse than the initial stage. The patient needs day-to-day support in their daily life. Slowly when the case starts getting worse the patient will start believing all those things that are not true which means the patient will start having delusional memories in their mind. They will start feeling as if someone is stealing their things. Alzheimer’s patients also start listening and hearing things sometimes. This cace is calles hallucinations. The cases of hallucinations occur very few times only with any patient.
As time passes Alzheimer’s patients keep on showing different symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms also become out of control. The person becomes nervous, and very restless which results in repeating the same question, calling out, reacting aggressively, and having problems with sleep patterns. This situation challenges both patient and the person who is around and is taking care of them.
In the worst-case symptom, the Alzheimer’s patient faces problems like not having awareness about what is happening which results in difficulty in eating and walking. Eventually, the person will not be able to do any on their own and will seek help for doing everything.
What is the life span of an Alzheimer’s patient?
Normally the disease is different from one person to another. Due to this life expectancy also differs from one to another. But, on average calculation, the person with Alzheimer’s disease lives for 8 to 10 years after their initial symptoms. But the age of the patient really matters to assume the life span.

How can it be diagnosed?
Alzheimer’s can be properly checked and diagnosed through brain tissue only after a person’s death. But there are other ways of checking one’s mental ability and examining dementia.
The doctors will ask about the medical history of a patient and try to analyze the disease. Start by asking about your:
- Symptoms of the patient.
- Medical history of patient’s family.
- Other health conditions of a patient.
- Lifestyle habits like diet, alcohol intake, etc.
After asking all the required questions doctors will start different tests to analyze if a patient has Alzheimer’s or not.
Cause of Alzheimer’s
Our cerebrum is a build-up of millions and billions of nerve cells that is connected to each other. When connections between these cells are lost, we can say that a person is having Alzheimer’s. This is caused by the protein named plaques and tangles that builds up and forms abnormal structures. In this case, slowly all the nerve cells die and tissues are lost.
The brain is also made up of some important chemicals that help to send signals between cells. All those who have got Alzheimer’s have less amount of these chemicals in their brain due to which the signal is not transferred well. To help with this problem there is some chemical treatment for Alzheimer’s disease that helps to boost the level of those chemicals that are not present in the brain which helps in slowing Alzheimer’s.
As mentioned already, Alzheimer’s is a non-treatable disease. This means the treatments will only reduce the time of damage but over time the brain will have more and more damage. In this disease, a patient will only result in having more and more symptoms that will get worse day by day. There are a lot number of people facing these diseases in the world.
Must read: Chickenpox: let’s talk about its 3 scary stages.
Amazing Preventions for Alzheimer’s disease
Though there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, there is some amazing prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease that can help one not get Alzheimer’s. They are as follows:
- If you are a person who is involved in smoking, quit smoking or at least try to minimize the intake.
- Be involved in doing some physical exercise like going to the gym, yoga, etc.
- Keep your brain active.
- Consume balanced diet food and be involved in eating healthy.
- Maintain an active social life.
Facts of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Alzheimer’s is a long-standing disease also known as a chronic disease.
- Dementia is not the same as Alzheimer’s. All Alzheimers is dementia but not all dementia is Alzheimer’s.
- It is the slow poison of the brain which slowly and gradually damages the nerve cells of the brain.
- Anyone can get Alzheimer’s disease. But the peoples above 65 are highly at-risk state on getting the disease.
- There is no complete cure for Alzheimer’s. Though there are some treatments and drugs that can help to slow down the disease.