Gingivitis : 5 Amazing Natural Treatments
Gingivitis is a gum disease where swollen gums are seen let’s discuss symptoms and treatment in this article in a natural way. There are many natural treatments for it let’s talk about it beneath.
What is Gingivitis?
It is a painful inflammation of the gums, also known as gingiva. It is generally caused by plaque buildup on the teeth. It is a common condition that affects the majority of adults at some point in their lives. It is a type of gum disease that usually causes only minor symptoms. However, if the underlying cause is not addressed, It can progress to a more severe condition. It is a non-destructive type.

People may generally refer to it as gum disease. It is an early form of gum disease and typically produces mild symptoms. There are many types of gingivitis. Dental plaque-induced gingivitis is when plaque buildup irritates a person’s gums, resulting in inflammation, discoloration, and pain. In contrast, Non-Plaque Gingivial lesions gingival lesions can result from different agents like bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. Allergic reactions, illnesses, and reactions, such as dentures, may also cause this type of gingivitis. If the condition of gingivitis whichever type it may be is not treated can progress to Periodontitis. Periodontitis is a more severe condition and can lead to further complications, such as loss of teeth. It can be treated naturally at home.
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Types of gingivitis
Based on the etiology, It can be classified into different types
- Plaque-induced gingivitis
- nutritional gingivitis
- pregnancy gingivitis
- diabetes gingivitis
- acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Plaque-induced gingivitis: Gingival inflammation induced by dental plaque is influenced by various systemic and oral factors. Appropriate intervention is extremely crucial for periodontitis prevention. Plaque-induced gum disease can emerge as a variety of observable signs and symptoms of inflammation that are localized to the gingiva and are affected by the accumulation of a microbial biofilm on teeth.
Nutritional gingivitis: This could be caused by a vitamin C deficiency. It has been revealed that a modern lifestyle that contains a higher intake of refined carbohydrates and a higher proportion of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids can promote the inflammatory process.
Pregnancy gingivitis: Pregnancy Gingivitis is a hyperplastic (tissue growth) reaction to plaque that mainly affects women during pregnancy. Increased estrogen and progesterone hormone levels have been linked to the problem. These hormones dilate blood vessels, allowing for an exaggerated response to dental plaque (bacteria on teeth). Pregnancy causes red, swollen, and tender gums. Gingivitis of this type is typically asymptomatic and responds well to regular brushing and flossing.
Diabetes gingivitis: Diabetes is a common disease that affects 1-3% of the population. It is distinguished by high blood and urine sugar levels, excessive thirst, itching, and weight loss. Dry mouth, a burning tongue, and persistent and all are dental complications. Successful treatment necessarily requires thorough homecare and insulin-controlled blood sugar levels.
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis: Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG) is a non-communicable microbial disease of the gingiva induced by a weakened host immune system. It is identified by the onset of sudden inflammation and pain, as well as the presence of “punched-out” crater-like lesions of the papillary gingiva.
Red is the color related to danger. So it stands to reason that if you start looking in mirrors and seeing gums that are a shade of red or purplish, this could clearly show that your gums are in trouble. Healthy gums are firm and pale pink. Bacteria can cause inflamed gums, known as gingivitis, the early, mild stage of gingivitis, or periodontitis, later more severe stage of the disease can occur.
Gum Pain
Gums can swell in the early stages of gum disease as they become inflamed. This is a sign that you need to keep training better oral hygiene.
Gum Bleeding: When you spit into it after brushing your teeth, you get bleeding gums which is the main symptoms of it.

Gums receding
Your gums are separating from your teeth. If your teeth begin to appear larger than normal, and you notice receding gums or gums that pull away from your teeth, this is a classic sign of early gum disease or periodontitis. It’s not just a normal part of the aging process.
Poor Breath: Bad breath, or an extremely bad taste in your mouth, can also indicate early gum disease. Bad breath is usually caused by plaque buildup on the tongue.
Examining Red, Puffy, and Irritated Gums
If your gums are red, swollen, and irritated, and you notice gum bleeding after brushing or flossing, these are early signs of gingivitis, a common form of gum disease.
Red Gums (Redness or Gum Inflammation):
Red is the color related to danger. So it stands to reason that if you start looking in mirrors and seeing gums that are a shade of red or purplish, this could clearly show that your gums are in trouble. Healthy gums are firm and pale pink. Bacteria can cause inflamed gums, known as gingivitis, the early, mild stage of gingivitis, or periodontitis, the later, more severe stage of the disease.
Treatments of gingivitis
Brushing, flossing regularly, regular checkups to the dentist, scaling. It is a chronic inflammatory process limited to gingival. The prevention of gingivitis by daily and effective supragingival plaque control is necessary to arrest its progression into periodontitis.
Examine your health and dental histories, as well as any conditions that may be contributing to your symptoms of it.
Examine your teeth, gums, mouth, and tongue for plaque and inflammation.
Insert a dental probe beside your tooth beneath your gum line, usually at several sites throughout your mouth, to measure the pocket depth of the groove between your gums and your teeth.
In a healthy mouth, pocket depth ranges between 1 and 3 millimeters (mm). Gum disease may be indicated by pockets deeper than 4 mm. Dental X-rays help to identify bone loss in the areas.
Natural treatment of gingivitis:
Saltwater for gingivitis :
Gingivitis treatment with saltwater rinsing is very beneficial in healing inflamed gums. Salt is a natural antimicrobial agent that aids in the process of healing our body. Moreover, saltwater may: gums that seem to be inflamed help in pain relief reduce microbial activity get rid of food particles get rid bad breath.
Mouthwash for gingivitis natural treatment:
If the saltwater rinse isn’t working, it’s time to try a more advanced mouthwash. Keep in mind that you should never swallow mouthwash. After swishing the good mix around one’s mouth, spit this out. Although there are over-the-counter and prescription mouthwashes for gingivitis, you may want to consider creating your own first.
Guava leaves mouth wash for gingivitis natural treatment:
Guava leaves have long been used as an effective treatment for oral hygiene. Several studies have found that the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of guava leaf mouthwash have a positive effect on plaque control. Guava leaf mouthwash may also be used to: Reduce gum inflammation, relieves pain, and freshen the breath. To use guava leaf mouthwash, follow these steps :
To use a fine powder, crush five to six tender guava leaves.1 cup of boiling water should be added to the crushed leaves. Allow for a 15-minute simmer. Allow the solution to cool before adding a pinch of salt. Swish lukewarm mouthwash around your mouth for up to 30 seconds. The solution should be spitted out. It is advised to repeat this process 2-3 times a day.
Gingivitis topical natural treatment
If mouthwashes aren’t working, you could try applying a topical cream or gel to your gums. Though more research is needed, several studies indicate that cloves have the potential to prevent plaque and reduce inflammation. This is due to cloves’ antiviral and antioxidant properties. They may also help with pain relief. Cloves can be applied topically.1 teaspoon of cloves, minced dip a damp cotton ball into the minced cloves, transferring as much as possible to the cotton ball. Rub the clove-covered cotton ball gently against your gums. Allow the cloves to sit for about a minute on your gums. After this water is swished all over the mouth to collect all the cloves. Spit out the clove
Application of Turmeric Gel on gingivitis natural treatment
According to the findings of a 2015 study Trusted Source, turmeric gel can effectively prevent plaque and gingivitis. This could be because it has anti-inflammatory properties.
Turmeric has antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It can aid in the healing of gum bleeding and reddening. Turmeric or Curcuma gel can be used as a treatment. Because curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, it may be labeled as either.
If you are allergic to turmeric, you should avoid using it.
How to Use Turmeric Gel:
- You should brush your teeth.
- Thoroughly rinse.
- Using your fingers, apply the gel to your gums.
- Allow the gel to sit for ten minutes.
- To collect all of the gel, swish water around your mouth.
- Spit out the water.