Healthy Food recovery For COVID-19 Patients And Breastfeeding While Pregnant.

One thing I learned after having to take care of two people with COVID-19. And that too alone is the fact how important food and a healthy diet is. You may not believe this, but let’s call the two patients A and B. So, patient A who is my father recovered quickly as he didn’t refuse to eat. And ate a lot of healthy foods with water. But, patient B, also my mom, had it hard recovering because she didn’t eat properly at all. 

I made sure to give them a lot of eggs though. Because due to the side effect of the virus, they ate just a certain amount of food. Still today, they can’t eat that food they refused to eat back then as well. Because of the smell they got. 

Anyway, an egg has enough proteins so I made sure to feed them enough eggs. While also eating lots and lots myself. The next thing you want to do is tone down the saltiness of your foods. And stay away from red meats, they’re really not good for you.  

This most probably is already out of your reach if you have COVID but make sure you don’t intake any alcohol. Fun fact; my dad was a heavy smoker. He’d sometimes finish a pack of cigarettes. But guess what? Since the Coronavirus pandemic caught him, he left smoking completely. And still, the smell of a cigarette gives him an unbearable headache and smell like he wants to puke. 

Please reduce your intake of sugar and sugary drinks. Fresh fruits and water is the best substitute. And what can be more important than your health, right? If you really love sweets and want to eat them, I suggest you make some of choosing some low in sugar. 

Oats and whole grains are good for your diet if you’re recovering from COVID-19. Frozen foods are fine to consume in some parts. But the best way to fast recovery is that you good hot meals with raw materials. 

Tap water is normally safe to drink, but I suggest you use a filter to make it safer. If not, just boil it and drink it when it’s the right temperature. Also, lemon water works miracles. Try it. 

Avoid greasy foods as well. I suggest eating more low-fat milk only. 

Foods that contain trans fat from packed goodies are a big no-no. So make sure to keep that in mind. 

Last but not the least, veggies are your life savior. Even if you live alone and have no one to cook for you, you can quickly make an easy vegetable soup and eat it with bread. Oats are easier to make. And water is available most of the time. So, I’m sure you will be fine once you properly take care of your diet. 

Breast Feeding. 

Now you might be wondering if breastfeeding is fine when you’ve caught the Coronavirus or no. So, through thorough research, I’ve got to know that breast milk is totally safe to provide for your infant. But, it also doesn’t mean you can be careless. 

Yes, COVID-19 can’t transfer through breast milk and breastfeeding. But you need to make sure to put on a mask and wash hands properly before going near to your baby. Because you can still transmit them with your tiny spit or cough and so on. 

Another safer way, if you ask me can be this. First, wash your hands, then sanitize your hands. And wear a mask. Make sure you do not touch your breast without doing these things. And then what you do is bottle up your breast milk. 

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