Did Quick food replaced dining and family time?

August 19, 2021 by 1 Comment

The pandemic is bringing such a hefty length of changes in our everyday life. And we aren’t even aware of most of it. We’ve evolved with food from dive through, home meals, and comfort food. What’s next? 

Does this mean that the fine dining option is coming to an end? Thankfully, to everyone who is worried if it ever dies. No, for now, they’re not dying. However, fine dining is certainly evolving. 

So, does this make it the same thing? 

As you all know, the three-martini lunch crowd is on a hiatus as of now. Hence, many higher-high establishments are having to reconfigure. And the pricing has increased a lot. But can we even blame the owners at this point? 

Likewise, many restaurants are stopping their offering whether it be lunch. And the hours that they’re open are very less relatively. Furthermore, Mondays and Tuesdays are closing days. And you all are aware that there are many good restaurants that are closed for good now. 

While most of the other good places are hibernating, all thanks to the lousy pandemic that no one even wanted in the first place. If we talk about food places such as McDonald’s and so on. The prices are now even higher and go from $10 to $30 for a combination meal. 

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As you all know, as a business group working for the people. You have to respond according to the customer demand. And due to the grave situation, the pandemic kept us at. People started enjoying their meals at their homes and inside their cars. 

Hence, now iHOP and Wendy’s are already planning for a ghost kitchen. Where only delivery services are provided. Furthermore, other restaurants like Applebee’s id thinking bout remodeling their menu. Where they’re adding more drive-through products. 

With that being said, there are tons of customers who come for a dine-in on Friday night. Which is actually a drive-through. Likewise, the same customers make trips to their same favorite restaurant on Tuesday to take their favorite meal home and enjoy. 

Furthermore, even after trying their best to make everything perfect. Most of the restaurants are falling behind on bills and money to pay to their staff. Likewise, the restaurants’ sales, according to some insiders had gone down. Initially, the sales fell down to $240 billion, however now, it’s increased to more than $650 billion. 

This is not an issue to big New York City situated restaurants. Since people are still returning for events and celebrations. But this loss is a huge burden for smaller restaurants. But slowly, a food critic says that restaurants are rising worldwide. 

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And there is still a lot of hope for a fine dining experience. But things might never be the same with fine dining. However, we are human beings and we adapt to unusual situations. 

The good thing is that fine dining is not dying. But I don’t think restaurants will ever be the same as before. It’s a sad thing that we can’t experience fine dining anymore, right? But at the end of the day, we should just be happy fine dining ain’t closing. 

And as for the prices, they will decrease once things started getting more normal. 

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